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Protect Your Corporation in the U.S.
It is difficult enough, especially in today’s market, to make ends meet and grow a business. With Ascentity's assistance, your business will succeed and grow and will grow on a world wide scale. After your company is formed here through Ascentity, it’s time to structure and protect the new revenue. There are many ways to protect from litigation and liability from potential losses and Ascentity will work with you and your corporation to find the best possible protection for you and your team.

Our legal experts are dedicated to making sure any legal issues are handled upfront to maximize your time so you can prepare for your defense. If you are served with legal action our attorneys will file your appearance and answer for you asking for an extension directly. If further assistance is required, Ascentity will start the process and begin your defense at your request.

Ascentity will structure your corporation and draft all internal operating agreements and contracts to help protect your new financial growth. There are many ways that corporations and LLC’s can be structured to maximize and utilize the business laws here within the United States. Using Ascentity will not only expand your business into the global market and grow new revenue streams; we will help protect it with the skilled and proven attorneys. Legality here in the United States helps offer protection from litigation but we will go one step further with accounting and CPA consulting. This is another layer to help protect the influx of revenue here with in the States.
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